As one of the largest property portfolio holders in KwaZulu-Natal, with over 1 million m² of industrial and commercial space, Ithala is ideally placed to service the various business sectors, spread through-out KwaZulu-Natal.
The Properties Department has assembled a professional team to cater for the various needs of business in the Province and to drive economic development and empowerment whilst remaining financially sustainable. In order to cater for these needs and to ensure that Ithala is the leader in economic development and empowerment
Two divisions oversee Ithalas properties
The primary function of the this division is to drive our property strategy through defining an appropriate return, cost structure, investment plan, disposal criteria, acquisition strategy and maintenance plan for each property under management, and the portfolio as a whole.
Key to the success of our development mandate is the application of commercial property principles and practices in pursuit of economic upliftment of local communities in the Province.
The portfolio of properties that are collectively under management, is made up of 1 million square metres of industrial property and 177 000 square metres of commercial shopping facilities, across 22 shopping centres spread throughout the proviTnce.
Ithala has experience in establishing and maintaining one of the largest property portfolios in KwaZulu-Natal. Its portfolio of properties is spread across the province and comprises of industrial factories and complexes, shopping centers and office blocks and banking facilities.
Our services include:
- Project Packaging
- Programme Co-ordination
- Contracts Management
- Emerging Contractor Development
- Technical Support
- Feasibility Studies
- Viability Assessments
- Development Packaging and Project Finance

Large Industrial Portfolio
- Isithebe Industrial Estate
- Ezakheni Industrial Estate
- Madadeni Industrial Estate
Light Industrial Portfolio
Ithala’s Light Industrial parks are located in the Ethekwini municipality and provide access to good transportation, including road and rail, airports and the port. We offer fully fenced properties that are the gated with 24hr access control security and adequate parking bays.

SMME Portfolio
Ithala owns and manage 52 SMMEs complexes located throughout the KwaZulu-Natal Province. Several local and surrounding communities across KwaZulu-Natal are highly dependent on the existence of the Small , Medium and Micro businesses for employment, income and an improved lifestyle.
Retail Portfolio
Ithala is the pioneer establishing shopping centres and industrial estates in remote regions of the KZN province for rural communities, accelerating regional economic growth and promoting job creation,
In supporting the province’s social economic vision, ithala Properties continues to work with both the public and private sectors to leverage its infrastructure base as a catalyst for development.